

Howdy, and thanks for dropping by. I post all my new stories on this site long before they show up elsewhere. Occcasional political rants show up here too, as well as long-winded diatribes on music, movies, b-b-q recipes, and whatever else rolls off the keyboard

If you have any questions drop me an email here: adrianleverkuhnwrites7@gmail.com

Happy trails.


34 thoughts on “About

  1. Just wanted to say thank you. I have been enjoying your writing only recently, and then accidentally discovered you were no long going to leave stores at literotica. Figured I’d better get the lead out and send a note of appreciation. I live in the Pacific NorthWest, Port Townsend area. I still work to sustain myself, even though it should be retirement time. One of those failed to plan things and got old too soon. Raised the family, went through divorces, etc. Now what? Just enjoying what parts of life I can and stay in touch with friends and son. Daughters must’ve seen right through me and broke connections. I just hope you continue to write and post. Thanks


    • I’m still posting at Literotica, but typically post here on my site first. If the story I’ve just finished is completely inappropriate for Literotica it stays here, and only here, for the time being.
      So, thanks for coming along!
      I’ve sailed in your area, used to keep a little sailboat on Lake Union. Kind of like heaven in that part of the world.
      Getting old seems now to be a series of narrowing options, so I guess the trick at this stage of life is to do the things that create the greatest good for the greatest number, yourself included. It’s a balancing act, too, and one where “good” seems elusive.
      Keep in touch, and you’re welcome for the stories. I’ll keep writing til I can’t.


  2. Just “discovered” your stories on Lit two days ago. Really like Starlight Sonata! It is very unusual, but very interesting. Is it finished here? Or going to post at Lit?


  3. Just a note to say Thank You for all the wonderful entertainment that you’ve brought to mine , and it seems many other folks lives .
    Your “Lift on a Wave” is one of my favorite stories that you’ve written .
    Thank you . Fair winds and following seas my friend .


  4. Adrian…love your spy tales! Found you on lit. and from there to this site. Especially liked your latest one based in Maine but couldn’t leave stars or comment so I’m doing it here, it deserves a 5* and a Thank You! My new gal and I are having too much fun reading your stories to each other and sharing the romance with each other, Again, Thanks.


  5. Reaad “In Silent Water” again. I can’t find it here. Is it on Lit only? Or am I not looking in the right spot. I can’t find a whole story listing like on Lit.


    • Most of the stories here on the blog are ones that have been revised in one way or another, so older ones like In Silent Water are just hanging out at LIT. I’ve not found a WordPress blog that has an easy way to show stories posted, one of the drawbacks of this site. I’ve tried to start sorting stories by genre, and there’s a list on the right side where those show up, but it’s not complete yet.


  6. Adrian, long time fan, have read many of your stories and left comments galore. Love your writing, it is very evocative, and big on nautical and aroenautical details that I love.

    If you could possibly take the time to do this, could you give me a list of the story names on Lit, in order to be read, of the fantastical story re the excop, the dolphins, the Israeli mensch matriarch who knows and sees all, and is housed inside the aliens craft? Did you ever finish this tale? YOu had mentioned some ending opus title with “Circus” in it, but I could never find it.

    I made it to the point the world was ending, and the dolphins and import;ant characters were being sucked into the alien spacecraft, I think, it is blurry now.

    I just dont feel like going back by trial and erro trying to figure out what comes first, etc.

    Thx and keep up the good work.


  7. Btw just finished “The Memory of Place” very very good as in keeping with the overall quality of the writing. I did feel the ending was a bit abrupt, no explanation or real insight into the lawyer’s machinations, what drove them, nor what Liz’s role was ongoing. I think a more powerful ending would incorporate Liz into the role of Mom to the baby girl, giving her what she long wanted and forming a triad with Tom and Maddy of sorts. Just a thought, that is the kind of pollyanish endings I desire. But overall quite good and moving as always.


  8. Hey Adrain,
    A fan and reading your works for a long time. Loved your Predator series, and Lift on a Wave is one of my favorite on Literotica. Just wondering why didn’t you open a Patreon account by now?
    With loyal fans (me included) you could be a HIT!

    Anyways, keep doing what you do best.
    God bless you.


  9. Enjoy your stories, but your political comments even more!

    Have you exorcized your demons regarding the Tromp presidency and the similarly to the genesis of Hitler, or are you simply overwhelmed with the ghastly consequences unfolding?

    If ever there were an example of truth (that ain’t truth?) being stranger than fiction, this is must be it.

    From time to time in the past, I have passed your words and contact to other of my acquaintance to ponder and enjoy – the majority providing positive feedback to me about your perspective and the quality of your writing.

    In short, we miss you and hope that whatever circumstances or degree of burn-out have quieted your writing can be overcome.


  10. Hello Adrian,
    I was reading a story of yours on Literotica, Timeshadow. Is this story going to be completed? The last post was in 2016.
    I really like your stories and character development and am looking forward to continuing reading your submissions.

    Regards, John


  11. Hı, I was enjoying the Starlight Sonata series on Lit, thinking “this is real literature” but it seems to me the series were cut short at Heart of the Sunrise. I know it’s been 10 years but it was really great so I was compelled to write to you to ask about it.


  12. Hi,

    Wanted to drop off a note of appreciation for your writing. I stumbled first upon you last year some time on Lit with “The Far Side of the Sun” when it showed up in Random Loving Wives stories. Then “Favorited” you, and went on to someone else’s story in Random Stories. Just came back to you when searching my Favorites list. Just read “Backroads”. Man, what a powerhouse. Out of nowhere, when the AIDS girl Maddie tells the protagonist, “I love you too,” I started weeping. To me a minute to figure out you’d had me on edge emotionally (without realizing it) and that little trigger phrase in the story tipped me over.

    All sorts of little things in your story kept triggering visions of my past. At various points in my life I’ve worked in hospitals. I was a janitor in college working weekends mostly an oncology floor (it was about half a hospice setting back then in the late ’70s). I’d see/meet patients for a week or two, then comeback the next weekend and they’d be gone. And I’d know the ones that were doing well, so probably left in a wheelchair, and those that were the sickest and probably left on a gurney. I’d always feel bad about the ones I liked.

    I also rode a motorcycle for several years, so the bike touring evoked memories. Lived in San Francisco at the time. Nothing puckers the anus like going over the top of some of the hills at road speeds without being able to see the street you know HAS TO be there. And in the Scouts I had a few close calls with bears at night, so those were humorous visions in my head.

    So, for all of two stories so far, I’ve really enjoyed your work. I will continue reading, and hope you continue writing.



  13. Aargh. Followed you from Literotica, hoping to find a source of your writing not tied too closely to erotic writing as I’ve wanted to point several people to your stories who might not check your stories because of the site name, or check it and exit in two clicks, because of seeing things on the site, like the adverts. So googled your name and came up with your own site. BUT…

    I use an iPad almost exclusively (at least in this time of COVID, and not being home). This site loads your multipart stories continuously. I try and get to the bottom to go to other sections, but it just keeps scrolling and scrolling and scrolling… and scrolling… and… I had to cheat to get to an “error” or “Not found” page to get to this point.

    I don’t know how this site looks on a PC or Chromebook, but there’s no way I can reasonably navigate this site on an iPad.

    BTW — Love, love, loooove your stories. Well, most of them anyways.


    • I believe there is an iOS/Android app for phones available, but unsure if there’s an iPad app out there. Might give that a try. Other than that, I’m not real pleased with the way these stories are organized or presented; it was okay when there were 10 stories posted, but now…? Might be time to look at alternatives.


    • I don’t want to be coy here, neither do I aim to appear to be fishing for sympathy, but I am in a race for time and that race will quite necessarily shape how and what I write. The ‘when’ part of this equation is somewhat restrictive right now. That said, and I am not giving away much here, but you should by now note that TimeShadow is heavily populated with the activities of blue spheres. Then again, so are the storylines of the 88 Key, Come Alive, Asynchronous Mud, et. al., so your mission, Jim, should you decide to accept it, is to decide whether all these stories form a sort of prelude to the action in TimeShadow. I will say no more, but please do enjoy the speculative possibilities.


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